FWMC Morning 16092023 (Episode 20) Vacuum (picture) in this episode they sorta gaveup once they trying to use it. He doesnt work anymore Misunderstanding Fuwawa have nothing to do this time last fwmc morning, myth's anniv, and they did a picture of the senpai a lot of ruffians thought ina's face looks a bit weird (drawn by mococo) some ruffians looks confused that the collar like a mouth, and then a moustache the mouth and was a nose FWMC Punctuality They do tried to do the exact time like 5mins before stream to start schedule etc it's their way to protect our smile, and it show how meants us to them They want to explain it a bit Mococo-chan was a fans of a small idols group, at around 3am around at North west passage they want to watch it, even there's less people, mococo watch it even the quality of video is not that good, they watch it there's no archive, they watch it, 5 days a week, around 2-3 years ended up really frustating, a lot of time, they start late, and never have any explaination it makes them really upset, but it was good. sometimes if there's a special event, there's no stream. sometimes they forgot to turn off the stream they turned off the camera. but they didn't end it but when they watched it, it's kinda fun to start the days suddenly, they started the stream less, and then no stream for months etc because of that, it's why they want to be on time