__**FWMC Twitter Rawr N' Response (30092023)**__ # __**[Original tweet for the Twitter Rawr N' Response reply]()**__ - [They interested in MGS (Metal Gear Solid) Franchise to stream]() - [They got the idea for Fuwamoco Morning from their brains, too many ideas, but not enough time]() - [There's a particular games that they're looking forward to hear at TGS (Tokyo Game Show), but there's no update about that game, will challenge with Ruffians if it were out]() - [As stated before, not a fans of pasta]() - [Intend to do training for spooky October]() - [As stated before as well, Mama and Papa Puppy only speak Bau Bau]() - [They really love Cinammon Toast Crunch Cereals (at least Fuwawa)]() - [They are fine with Coconut or Vanilla ice cream, but at the moment, Fuwawa wanted a coconut ice cream]() - [As stated before, Their fav robo girl are HMX-12 Multi from ToHeart. Also Mahoro and Roboco-senpai are very cute]() - [They never watched much wrestling before, they love to go to see Joshi Pro-wrestling matches in person in the future, and wanted to practice so they can wrestle together]() - [About ramen, they both love ramen, Moco-chan love Miso ramen(味噌ラーメン), Fuwawa love Shio Ramen (塩ラーメン)]() - [Jonathan's is their favorite Famiresu (Family Restaurant) at JP, Drink bar with Matcha latte, parfaits, and desserts. the place make them feels hapy and at home]() - [As previously stated, they have same goals, but other may feels strongers towards some goals and vice versa]() - [As previously mentioned, they're not good with direction, so when they said "Side" it's always "side" (not left or right). It might take some time to process it before they (fuwawa) able to decide if it's left/right]() - [If they can pick any two Vtubers to do a wrestle, they will pick Polka and Korone, since they look like a worthy wrestling opponents]() - [They have a lot to-do-list for 3D debut, they want to howl on a big stage]() - [They love licorice a lot. They also once addicted to red bean flavor White Rabbit candies too]() - [Fuwawa giving a suggestion to draw Moco-chan looking realy embarassed and hiding, It always makes fuwawa feel funny when fuwawa tease her and succeed]() - [Moco-chan Fav character is Komugi (from SoulTaker!) also their fav topping for curry is mushrooms]() - [They love succulents, especially delicious looking one, thick, plump succulents]() - [They are kinda scaredy cats, so their fav rides on the amusement parks probably the bumper cars]() - [when compared as mario and luigi, Moco-chan is more the Mario type, while Fuwawa is Luigi]() - [They haven't watched the 'Rose of Versailles' anime, but they have read and own all the manga]() - [Seems they haven't eat yet before doing the Rawr N' Rensponse (growling tummies)]() - [Fav curry combination (if it's CocoIchi(CoCo ICHIBANYA)) is pork katsu with mushroom and cheese, level 1 spice and less rice]() - [As stated before as well, Video games have always been a part of their live, Mama Puppy would play Zelda while Fuwamoco still in her tummy, so they just grew up together with them and loved them]() - [Favorite VN companies that they want to collab with are "Nitroplus" and "Leaf/Aquaplus"]() - [Fav N64 games other than Zelda is Harvest Moon 64, there are a lots of it. Also Majora's Mask would be amazing since Mama Puppy never beat it]() - [They really like rhythm games, but not that amazing (based on what they said). They used to be quite good at DDR, now maybe not much]() - [They prefer smiles rather than fingers (korone-senpai), but if Korone asked them, they will ask Ruffians for help]() - [They don't have any games that the others like them but the others not, fun things are fun for both of them]() - [Mococo is a better chef, it can be rare sometimes (mococo who answered it)]() - [They both wanted to start learning Japanese at the same time, it happened naturally]() - [Their current favorite fashion style is girly and simple clothing, a bit different between the two of them, but anything comfy and cute is nice]() - [They haven't played KOF (have been recommended before and Tekken), Nakoruru have a bit of soft spot in their heart, but haven't played KOF or Samurai Showdown yet]() - [Their fav dessert are all of them (since they love yummy things)]() - [Considering playing Devil May Cry]() - [Biggest advantage of being twin streamers as what they said, brainstorming power, if they have extra brain power. Accountability isn't a thing since they disappoint each other everyday]() - [They want to stream more VNs in the future, but they know not everyone is interested in VNs, so they want to showcase some that they really feel passionate about it, Shorter VNs are more palatable to everyone, but not much. Perms as well]() - [They consider to play some racing games (Forza/Need for speed), as long as it's fun]() - [They want to eat a lot of things in JP, but having a normal lunch set/Konbini onigir would be amazing right now]() - [They don't have any favorite for vocaloid producer, rather than, they love all their songs, they enjoy many varities, Good songs are good]() - [They have Bread with cinnamon cream cheese that Fuwawa made and Early Grey tea with cream for breakfast today]() - [They were expecting Ruffians would be more ruff and unruly at first, but they glad it's not, since Ruffians have been much more well behaved and fluffy and fuzzy]() - [They most likely have the most uncool kyboard possible, but it would be nice to have something cute, simple, soft, and very functional one day]() - [The VN that they wish to forget the story so they can re-experience it with fresh eyes is Kana Imouto (fuwawa), it really touched her and made her look at the world a bit differently]()